Monday, July 7, 2014

why i've been away

i haven't been able to do any updates in a long time because mommy is still hogging the computer. instead of blogging though, mommy started a new project on something called the youtubes. it's this place on the computer where mommy watches videos... and she makes them and posts them on there too. she really likes playing on the youtubes so i try not to bother her. instead, i just do some of the favourite things that i like to do every night:

- sit behind the couch and stare out the window
- go under the couch to bite the shoe boxes mommy and daddy left under there for me
- bit daddy's macbook pro cords (those are the tastiest)
- hop around and make a lot of noise
- munch on romaine lettuce - mommy says i eat half a romaine lettuce a day
- hop on daddy while he's sleeping
- flop over and rest with my big paws all stretched out
- make a big mess with my haysy-hay

oh, mommy made a video about me to post on youtube and lots of people have watched it! this video is all about me. it's true - it even says so in the title.

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